A Review of a (Sensational) Review
January 20, 2025
Even if you don’t think you’re into poetry, here’s a must read for you.
It’s by poet Therese L. Broderick in Vox Populi, an online magazine — reviewing “Unlocking the Heart,” a book of poems and accompanying essays by James Crews. The review itself is an astonishing model of literary perspicacity, with deep insight into how poetry (and indeed literature more broadly) engages the human mind, heart, and soul. And it’s beautifully written. This is why we read.
Find the review at: https://voxpopulisphere.com/2025/01/19/therese-l-broderick-beautiful-uses-the-compassion-of-james-crews/
Here’s one passage that particularly grabbed me:
” . . . it’s difficult to write a decent poem that wins the respect and affection of one’s auto mechanic. To do so, poets must conduct themselves with honor, honesty, and hospitality. Our neighbors are a tough audience. Esoteric wordplay, heady concepts, supercilious quips, obfuscation of meaning, and haphazard imagery won’t be given the time of day.”
This introduces further disquisition on what poetry should indeed be doing, providing the context for Broderick’s highly appreciative take on Crews’s work. But never mind him. Read her review for its own delights.
As someone who’s reviewed books here myself, my hat is off to Therese Broderick for this splendid piece of writing.
Disclosure: she’s my wife. Lucky me.