October 12, 2023

Upstate New York school sports teams have commonly borne names connected with Native Americans (or “Indigenous Peoples,” or “Indians”). Who of course used to totally populate the region. These monickers have come to be considered problematic, engendering acrimonious battles. So the State Education Department issued an edict simply banning all such names.

Sure, some, like “Redskins,” are obviously disrespectful and must be canned. But here is a classic case of throwing out babies with bathwater. Because many of these team names, it seemed to me, far from insulting Native Americans, actually honored them, as integral to the local cultural heritage.

Many, for example, used the term “warriors.” While that word is sometimes associated with Indians, it’s a very generic word that has arisen in connection with numerous other cultures in history. Calling someone a “warrior” invokes a wide aspect of human experience. And notwithstanding pacifist sentiments, the word “warrior” is actually not at all pejorative, but rather more a badge of honor. (“Social justice warriors?”) When it comes to sports teams in particular, it certainly seems quite fitting, conveying a go-get-’em aggressiveness considered laudable there.

Yet some people (“culture warriors?”) are always on the lookout for things to deem offensive, wherever such issues can be ginned up.

So “warrior” team names are now out, along with a whole host of others. The Albany Times-Union recently recapped all the renaming going on. One instance caught my eye: Colonie’s “Garnet Raiders.” What was objectionable about that name, I wondered?

Well, okay, the word “garnet” does have a tinge of red to it. Maybe they used “garnet” originally to circumvent the R-word. But I’m old enough to remember when “red” more likely evoked Communism than Indians. Wouldn’t want a team of Commie raiders. But it seems the State Ed Department is very strict about this name thing, so even a tinge of red is verboten.

But here’s what really made me gag. The article listed a bunch of alternate names that have been proposed for the Colonie team. One was “Rebels.”

Are you effing kidding me? Rebels? Seriously? A name associated with the Confederacy — and slavery! How is that not obviously way more offensive than “Garnet Raiders?”

But maybe that was someone’s sardonic attempt to poke fun at this whole renaming business.



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